Hybrid Energy Systems

“Hybrid” refers to something that combines different elements. Hybrid technology has advanced rapidly, giving birth to hybrid cars, groundbreaking communications tech, smart-houses, and eco homes. Similarly, hybrid energy systems have been designed to generate electricity from different sources, such solar panels and wind turbines. Hybrid energy systems often consist of a combination between fossil fuels …

How does wind energy work?

Wind is a clean and infinite energy source, which can be a big piece of the energy puzzle. Here we’ll walk through how wind energy works. A brief history Although modern wind turbines are new technology, harnessing wind energy is not a new concept. Throughout history we’ve harnessed the wind’s energy, with sail boats and …

The Environmental Impacts of Wind Energy

There are many benefits of wind energy, but also problems. We’ll explore these below. People and Animals Wind turbines impact people and animal that live in close proximity to wind farms. The wildlife most likely to be adversely affected by wind farms are birds and bats, who are susceptible to things such as disturbance, habitat …

How Concentrated Solar Power Works

As the name suggests, concentrated solar power uses mirrors to concentrate the sun’s energy onto one point. Let’s explore more… Concentrated solar is fundamentally different from the solar photovoltaic (PV) power in that it uses the sun’s heat to generate electricity whereas concentrated solar often uses a solar-thermal method. Solar PV cells rely on the …

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy

The last 20 years have seen massive developments for solar. Let’s explore the key advantages and disadvantages of solar energy today. Advantages of Solar Energy 1. Reduced green house gases The first and foremost advantage of solar energy is that, beyond panel production, solar does not emit green house gases. Solar energy is produced by …

5 green tech trends to watch in 2023

Low-carbon construction Smart, sustainable buildings are popping up everywhere, and for good reason. Traditional buildings and construction account for 38% of greenhouse gas emissions around the world. Low-carbon buildings are designed to emit little to no carbon across their lifespan. They require minimal heating and cooling, produce very little waste and pollution, and are made …

Green tech, clean tech, climate tech: what’s the difference?

Green technology or environmental technology means using science and technology to protect the world’s natural resources and mitigate the negative environmental impact of human activity. Clean tech is a broad category that encompasses solutions that improve the performance and efficiency of production, while also reducing negative environmental impact of any kind. So clean technologies include …

So what does green technology actually mean?

Green technology: a few examples There’s more to green tech than solar panels and wind turbines. Here’s a list of some popular planet-saving innovations you might not have heard of: Wastewater treatment and water purification (recycling water to make it drinkable, or clean enough for other purposes) Waste management and recycling (minimizing landfill and its …

Encryption Keeps Kids Safe Online

As parents and Internet advocates, we’re passionate about children’s safety online, and we do everything in our power to keep our kids safe. Just as we buckle them into seatbelts and make regular doctors visits, we keep tabs on what they’re doing online, using tools like encryption to protect them from danger. That’s why we’re …

How a a Rural Community in Armenia Built Their Own Internet

A groundbreaking summit to help close the global digital divide is taking place this June. It’s the first in-person session since 2019, when it inspired transformation in a rural community in Armenia. In the mountainous village of Shaghap, in the Armenian region of Ararat, over 170 families live in a quiet area far from urban …